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A b o u t

Guphologia LTD. was established in the fall of 2017. Directed by Ella Ben-Aharon, Guphologia is a platform for art, therapy, and research. Guphologia offers cultural events and professional/educational workshops for dancers, teachers, therapists as well as the general community. Through a blend of physical, intellectual, artistic activities, and multi-disciplinary dialogues, Guphologia aims to enhance bodily awareness, self-expression, and well-being as a mindful way of life.

Guphologia operates Studio Naim - Maze, opened in May 2016.

E l l a  B e n - A h a r o n

About: Ella

Ella holds BFA in Dance from CALARTS and an MFA in Choreography from Jacksonville University, FL. During her five years in California, Ella studied Anatomy and physiology and was certified as a Pilates Master Teacher through PSC - Pilates Sports Center. Moved to NYC, Ella established her non-profit dance company, and directed the the Pilates studio at the Reebok Sports Club / NY. She has conducted PSC certification programs and continuing education workshops in NY, CA, FL and Israel. As an independent choreographer since 1999, Ella's choreographic works as well as video-dances were presented in art centers around the world. Ella has opened Studio Naim - Maze in May 2016. She continues to teach and create as a guest artist in various universities, participate and lecture at international conferences; Art/science as well as Pilates conferences. 

Ella's perception is tangent between creativity, therapy, interdisciplinary research and education. She shares vast experience from the worlds of dance, experiential anatomy, improvisation, contact improvisation, Pilates and cognitive research.

Pilates; Choreography; Research; Consultation; Education

Guphologia owns and operates Studio Naim - MAZE, Tel-Aviv  I  +972 52 3639269  I                   

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